Friday, January 7, 2011

back to the little D.O.T~

yes I am back to this little dot after having lotsa fun in Europe for 13 days~ felt suddenly so empty, I just don't feel like coming back here when the rest of my family went back to Medan and I am flying to Spore. However, this time I did not drop a tear when we said goodbye (yes I am proud of it), bcos I always do cry (silently) whenever I will depart from my family, yeah maybe I am a cry-baby, but I don't care anymore~ I want to remain being a baby, can I?
Although sadly to say, 1 week more and I am turning into 21! omigosh time fliessssssss!!
I feel like I was just turning to my sweet 17th last year! now I am like 21 already?!?!

yep it's 2011 already, and some of my resolutions for this year is:
  • to finish my 4 years in NTU satisfactorily (meaning good grades and can make my parents proud of me).
  • to get a GOOD job at a GOOD company.
  • to be able to finish my "Final Year Project" with satisfaction, lol.
  • to be a better daughter to my daddy and mommy, and better big sister for my lil sister.
  • and so on so on....
alright, got to cook for my lunch soon~ will share my stories in Europe in my next write-up~


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