yay~ i'm back to the blogger civilisation! I feel like writing something here, been quite some time since I last wrote a thing, yea?
It is 2 weeks away to final exam, and I am not so excited to welcome it, but this will be my second last exam in university life since I will be graduating in a half year time more or less :(
These days I always think of what I will become in the future time, will I become a civil engineer? or maybe a teacher? or even housewife? I have been wondering what I really want to do, before I entered NTU and chose Civil Engineer course as my major, I actually thought of taking Hospitality Management course in KL. However, the power of attraction from NTU and Singapore drags me here now.
As people getting more age, they tend to have more things to consider about, yeah I agree with that statement, as I am experiencing it now. However, I always try to be positive-minded, in one's life, if you have got no worry or whatsoever, you are NOT living a LIFE! so my principle is to "L.I.V.E L.I.F.E W.I.T.H W.O.R.R.Y"
Maybe one day if do not have to worry about anything, it would be very weird, ha!
In fact, the word "war" is swirling around my head for few days already. Why not? N.Korea and S.Korea are on the brink of war, believe it or not. N.Korea is threatening S.Korea and U.S that it will launches the nuclear missile if they keep conducting the military exercise, and how scary is that? I really do not want to witness a war, let's just love PEACE alright..
And somemore, a paranormal from long time ago, people said his prediction is always mostly accurate, has actually predicted that the World War 3 will commence on Nov 2010 (which is like NOW). Omitofo, I hope it won't happen.. May Buddha bless us..
Too many disasters happening around us, especially in my country Indonesia. Well, from the mount eruption, earthquake and tsunami. Is it not enough?
Many people actually lost their places to stay, do not have enough food to feed them, do not have clothes, they actually lost everything. I wonder why disaster keeps coming one after another? There really must be something wrong with the earth now, it is human mistakes, human did too much wrongful things and I believe the Creator is trying to warn us now by giving us hard time. Thus keep praying~ Omitofo~
We all do love P.E.A.C.E, yea? Yes I DO.